Manifest File


Keys must always be represented even when the value is optional. If the key is not needed/available the value may be empty.

Resource Containers (RCs) have a manifest.yaml file that describes its content and structure. Most of the information adheres to the Dublin Core Meta Data Initiative and can be found nested within the dublin_core key.

    conformsto: 'rc0.2'
        - 'A Contributor'
        - 'Another Contributor'
    creator: 'Someone Or Organization'
    description: 'One or two sentence description of the resource.'
    format: 'text/usfm'
    identifier: 'ulb'
    issued: '2015-12-17'
        identifier: 'en'
        title: 'English'
        direction: 'ltr'
    modified: '2015-12-22T12:01:30-05:00'
    publisher: 'Name of Publisher'
        - 'en/udb'
        - 'en/tn'
        - 'en/tq'
        - 'en/tw'
    rights: 'CC BY-SA 4.0'
            identifier: 'asv'
            language: 'en'
            version: '1901'
    subject: 'Bible'
    title: 'Unlocked Literal Bible'
    type: 'book'
    version: '3'

        - 'Organization or Church network'
        - 'Organization or Church network'
    checking_level: '3'

            - 'bible-ot'
        identifier: 'gen'
        path: './content'
        sort: 1
        title: 'Genesis'
        versification: 'kjv'


  • dublin_core

    • conformsto: the version of this specification used by the RC.
    • contributor: an array of names or aliases of people that have contributed to the resource.
    • creator: the entity in charge of creating the resource.
    • description: a brief description of what the resource is.
    • format: the file format of content within the RC, e.g. text/usfm, text/markdown etc.
    • identifier: a Identifier formatted string uniquely identifying the resource.
    • issued: the Date of publication. Normally this should stay in sync with version increments.
    • language: the language of the resource.
    • modified: the date the resource was last modified. Occassionally, this may be more recent than issued if there are metadata changes that do not include changes to the content.
    • publisher: the name of the entity that published the resource.
    • relation: a array of Short Links to related resources.
    • rights: the license under which the resource is distributed.
    • title: the title of the resource
    • type: the RC container type.
    • version: the published iteration of the resource.
  • projects: an array of projects inside the RC.

    • categories: an array of category identifiers used for hierarchical ordering.
    • identifier: an Identifier formatted string uniquely identifying the project.
    • path: the relative path to the project within the RC. Depending on the RC type this may be a directory or a file.
    • sort: the sorting order of this project when viewed in relation to other projects in this RC.
    • title: the title of the project.
    • versification: the system used for placing verse markers and consequently chunk markers.

Generating From USFM

See USFM to Manifest for instructions on populating the manifest.yaml from the headers in a usfm file.