
A Resource Container (RC) link allows one RC to reference content from another RC.

All RC links follow a very simple structure in two different flavors.

  • Anonymous links - have no title and are declared by enclosing the link in double brackets
  • Titled links - have a title and are indicated by enclosing the link title in single brackets and the link in parentheses.

For example:


[Link Title](language/resource/project/type)


The minimum form of a link is language/resource/project/type. We interpret this as the project content directory inside the RC. This is illustrated below:

# link

# file system
    |-content/ <-- link points here

From this point we can lengthen the link to include a chapter Slug which resolves to the chapter directory.

# link

# file system
        |-01/ <-- link points here

Going a step further we can link to a specific chunk

# link

# file system
            |-01.usfm <-- link points here

In some of the examples above the link was not pointing directly at a file. In those cases the link should resolve to the first available file in order of the sorting priority described in Content Sort Order.

External URLS

You may link to online media by simply using a url instead of an RC identifier.

  • [[]]
  • [Google](

Links where the path begins with http:// or https:// are treated as external urls.



  • [Genesis 1:2](en/ulb/gen/book/01/02)
  • [Open Bible Stories 1:2](/en/obs/obs/book/01/02)


  • [[en/tq/gen/help/01/02]] - links to translationQuestions for Genesis 1:2
  • [[en/tn/gen/help/01/02]] - links to translationNotes for Genesis 1:2


  • [Canaan](en/tw/bible/dict/canaan)


  • [Translate Unknowns](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-unknowns)


  • [Open Bible Stories 1:2](en/obs/obs/img/01/02)
  • [Genesus 1:2-6](en/ulb/gen/img/01/02)


  • [Open Bible Stories 1:2](en/obs/obs/vid/01/02)


  • [Open Bible Stories 1:2](en/obs/obs/audio/01/02)


  • [Genesis](en/ulb/gen/bundle/01/01)


Linking to a bundle will only resolve down to the project level. e.g. the 01/01 will be ignored and the entire project returned. If you must link to a section within the project you will have to parse the content and manually resolve the rest of the link if the format supports references.

Formats that support references are:

  • usfm
  • osis


In certain cases it is appropriate to abbreviate a link. Below are a list of cases where you are allowed to use an abbreviation.

Automatically Linking Bible References

Bible references in any RC should be automatically converted into resolvable links according to the linking rules for book resource types. Of course, if the reference is already a link nothing needs to be done.

Conversion of biblical references are limited to those resources that have been indexed on the users’ device. Conversion should be performed based on any one of the following:

  • a case insensitive match of the entire project title.
  • a start case (first letter is uppercase) match of the project Slug e.g. Gen.

For each case above there must be a valid chapter:verse reference immediately after the matching word separated a single white space. For example:

Genesis 1:1
genesis 1:1
Gen 1:1
Gen 1:1-3

The chapter and verse numbers should be converted to properly formatted Slug s.


Given the French reference below:

Genèse 1:1

If the user has only downloaded the English resource the link will not resolve because the title Genesis or genesis does not match Genèse or genèse. Neither does the camel case Slug Gen match since it does not match the entire word.

If the user now downloads the French resource the link will resolve because Genèse or genèse does indeed match Genèse or genèse. The result will be:

[Genèse 1:1](fr/ulb/gen/book/01/01)

Multiple Matches

When a match occurs there may be several different resources that could be used in the link such as ulb or udb. When more than one resource Slug is available use the following rules in order until a unique match is found:

  1. use the same resource as indicated by the application context.
  2. use the RC allowed by the translate_mode set in the application.
  3. choose the first resource found or let the user choose (e.g. pop up).

Aligning Verses to Chunks

Because chunks may contain a range of verses, a passage reference may not exactly match up to a chunk. Therefore some interpolation may be nessesary. For both chapter and verse numbers perform the follow:

Given a chapter or verse number key. And an equivalent sorted list list of chapters or verses in the matched resource
  • incrementally compare the key against items in the list.
  • if the integer value of the current list item is less than the key: continue.
  • if the integer value of the current list item is greater than the key: use the previous list item.
  • if the end of the list is reached: use the previous list item.

For example chunk 01 may contain verses 1-3 whereas chunk 02 contains verses 4-6. Therefore, verse 2 would resolve to chunk 01.

If no chapter or chunk can be found to satisfy the reference it should not be converted to a link.